

What and who would you be in the absence of fear and insecurity?

You would be free. You would remember who you are.

Freedom can only exist in the absence of fear. If you live in fear you will never be free. 

I desire freedom. Don’t we all? Freedom from our own self-judgment and our limiting beliefs. Freedom from the patterns that don’t serve us. Freedom from the “shoulds”.  Freedom from the concern of what others might think. Freedom from the expectations and belief systems we’ve attached ourselves to without fully examining them. Ahhh….freedom. 

Who would you be if you let go of worry, concern, judgment, expectation, your headiness, ANTS (automatic negative thoughts), unexamined belief systems??  What would your relationships, career, family life, leisure time, relationship with self look like if you weren’t trapped by fear and your insecurities? What would you have to offer your community, the world if you lived from love and felt secure within? 

Can you imagine it? 

Slipping into the bikini or trunks without a negative thought about your body. 

The freedom to fully enjoy and remain present in the boundless beauty of the beach. 

Trusting your knowing that the relationship you are in is no longer healthy. 

The freedom to discover a new relationship with self or another. 

Pursuing a creative passion without the worry of what others might think. 

The freedom to self-express and bloom.

Applying for that job that is outside of your current industry.

The freedom to fulfill a soul-aligned desire around career.

Letting go of people pleasing.

The freedom to create boundaries that allow you to remain in your integrity.

Fear feeds insecurity. Insecurity feeds fear. How do we break this cycle? Choice. We have to acknowledge our fears and insecurities, then choose to step off of the fear and insecurity carousel. Trust. We must trust ourselves. Easy? No. Worthwhile? Absolutely. 

The absence of fear allows for the loving. It is in the loving that healing, well-being and freedom exist. In this space of security and peace there is room for creativity and the opportunity to remember who we are and blossom into the human expression of our “soul seed”.

Acknowledge your fears from a holistic perspective (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) and leave behind the vicious cycle of fear and insecurity that keeps you from reaching your full potential. Take the action necessary to experience freedom, love and security. Do not leave this lifetime with regret due to the trap of fear and insecurity. 

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